Booking conditions

Logo of MilleniuM Gold Hotel **** Naples - logo


MilleniuM Gold Hotel****Via Comandante Umberto Maddalena, 19280144 NaplesItaly

Booking conditions

Here are some of the reasons we offer to trust us by booking through our website:


Best price and exclusive tariffs on our website

We guarantee you will not find lower prices on any other website.


Real time availability

For all rooms and immediate booking confirmation.


Security in your transaction

We follow the highest standards of security protocol.


Privacy Policy

We care about the privacy of your personal data.


Booking confirmation by e-mail / SMS

You will receive an email confirmation with the reservation and if you wish, you may request that we confirm your booking by mobile SMS.


Cancellation of booking

Your confirmation email contains a link and instructions on canceling your booking if you wish to do so.


Modification of booking

If you wish to change your dates or other details of your reservation please contact us by phone or e-mail.

3 reasons to stay with us

The Airport is within walking distance 

Ideal place for meetings and events. 

Traditional and international dishes in our Restaurant.

Special offers